giovedì 29 ottobre 2009

My new blog

Hi people!!

I'm Monica and this is my first nice!
I attend the 3LSS class in Italy and we have created a blog for each.

I think that blogs are a good opportunity for everyone to exchange opinions and know a lot of new people too.
So in this blog I will write the various arguments that I speak with my class during the English lessons and I will express my ideas about them. I hope that they will interesting and you'll like them.

Kiss kiss


2 commenti:

  1. Hey Monica! Sounds that technology is very important to you, as it is to me! I just started blogging this year too and don't mind it. I find that I can write when I want to and don't feel like I always have to!
    Hope to hear from you soon!

  2. Hi Moka!! Your blog is so cute and nice!!
    Ahaha and what about Sid there on high..Are you like him? A sloth? hihi, I'm joking.
    Bye and see u soon!
